
Category Archives

How the Siemens bribery settlement funds opacity – A must read story

After its huge bribery scandal, Siemens agreed to settle legal proceedings against it by funding anti-corruption work. Siemens uses these funds to

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Afghan Narcotrafficking: Illicit Financial Flows

The EastWest Institute (EWI) today announced the launch of its latest report, Afghan Narcotrafficking: Illicit Financial Flows. The fifth in a

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Integrated Responses to Human Smuggling from the Horn of Africa to Europe

The Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime just published “Integrated Responses to Human Smuggling from the Horn of Africa to

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Draft Law Undermining NABU Powers to be Adopted on May 18

Draft law #6220 undermines NABU independence and offers a tool to terminate any criminal investigation within NABU investigative jurisdiction. T

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OCO creates its special Board on UN matters

Following its ECOSOC nomination, the OCO is creating its specific OCO-UN Board that will regroup all professionals and persons that will deal wit

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Communiqué de presse – Press release

Communiqué de l’OCO: L’OCO a pris connaissance de l’article posté par le blog « Sarawak report » en date du 7 mars 2017 indiquant qu

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Le chef des espions argentins aurait reçu des fonds suspects en Suisse

Une procédure a été lancée en Argentine pour savoir si le chef des services secrets a reçu des fonds suspects liés au scandale Petrobras sur

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Report on the debate regarding EU cash payment limitations

The following paper was originally produced as a submission of the Organized Crime Observatory, Geneva, to the European Commission. Excerpt: . S

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On 30 November 2016, after more than four years of investigation, the Public Prosecutor’s Office Verden and the Lüneburg Police (Germany) in clos

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Entretien exclusif avec M. Mikheil Saakashvili

Depuis la publication en 2015 de son rapport concernant les problématiques actuelles en Ukraine, l’OCO continue de suivre activement l’évolution d

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